Sunday, February 21, 2010

I think I love her

chillin wit the female Marisa, well what to say about her...hmmmmm?
she is really gay and has a laugh from a farm house. butt most importantly i digg it.
my name is akers peace out.

In all seriousness there is something in my gutt that wants her more than just day .

Monday, January 11, 2010

"Black hearts on my cardigan"
My niggah skooter is gonna copp that
exclusive cardigan so kick pack...or shit might
pop off, ku! ahhhh

These three swagg creataz are hands down
the craziest rappers alive,Well waynes' not there
but we all know he kills it alone. Walle,drizzy drake,and
kid cuder.
Today its monday and its a bitch getting up having something to look forward to but, there isnt shit ahhh. This school we attend everyday sucks so much ass who nows when someone will burst into flames. Hoping for some excitement you instigate a fight soon to be but never happens, "i tried". so i jamm out on the uke and mobb the school wit the boyz. Everyone in sight I gots to say fuck you, its just the signature move from the AKEEES. Well peace out--->

Sunday, January 10, 2010

Glass eyes

I see out of glass but does that make the world true.
My dreams feel real, then why is reallity the one
thats fake. Can one really do something great,
or is that fake. Created morally by higher ranks, one is taught to
see, believe , react, and express. Reaching that peak in ones
life, they rebel against the ones who trully love them.
Everyone is greedy, always lerking for that next skeme.
Can I free my thaughts from insanity, free them from
curiousity. Addicted to the expensive life, buying your way
threw life, killing the rest of your realness for the materialistic

Saturday, January 9, 2010

I hate you and the things that come with you .
Taking this time to put my finger on reality itself,
I feel so mellow but blue .
Reliance on ones perticular perspective can kill slow enough
that your eatin alive screaming in this isolated shit hole..
Wishing for oppertunity on greatness, but greatness is this factor . A factor that wins the best of you, ALWAYS??
-nothingness i call it-

Friday, January 8, 2010


YOU ever feel like the love of your old life faded away because you just got smarter to relize shit...your stuck with something that means so much to you but at the same time creats what you need to be happy.can you give it up or can you leave it.i use it in a way to open doors,but agian it sometimes takes me alive and ripps my heart out because it needs it. Not needs it for I but cuzz im so used to it. This is a descion to ones mind, a descion to ponder upon.(hmmm)You hate putting in the time but you hate loosing the benifits to its access. I want it but it doesent want a try over and over but the life of now takes you back two steps.temtation grabbs you by the troat and shuves its thaughts down.oach!!! i want to live this kick back life enjoyin my life as me and not what im expected too.ALWAYS WANT TO BE THAT NEW KID THAT IS TALKED UPON, WHISPERED FROM ONES VOICE, THAT GUY WHO DRESSES BITTER SWEET.....WANT TO BE A SWAGG CREATOR BUT IS REALLY A SWAGG JOKK, I WISH I COULD MOVE TO PLANET VENUS AND WALK ON ITS SURFACE TO BURN SLOWLY...that way nothing would matter............i just feel stuck, stuck in the abyss of the human mind going crazzy in a cell.thats where they think ill end up pshhh(fuck that) i scratch the walls my nails fall off i cry for forgivness butt in reallity life isnt real.. make life not real!.......


Your always expected to live the dreams of other lifes....thinking the world is full ofoppertunities!
The world is bullshit it makes this illusion of what you COULD be not what you
are. Tryin to creat your own swagg,your own start, your own life....contraversal people put you down in this majestic but isolated space. I feel left out no matter what i may do. Always lookin for this easy way out, people make me feel like im the bitterone like im just a let down ass hole.. fuck whats expected,fuck what i could hav been, life is now so live it on your time..!!!